Midlevel providers -- nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs)-- are entering independent practice or working in retail clinics that have no . The state issues distinct licenses for different types of health care providers, including, for example, physicians and surgeons, dentists, and nurses. The supervising physician must also be able to discharge the chart review and site visit obligations specified by Board rule. For this reason, the physiciansupervision requirement for nurse midwives raises anticompetitive concerns. Later in the report, we describe how nurse midwives could serve to fill the gaps in access in the more rural and inland regions of the state. Such interventions, while critical in cases of medical necessity, come with risks and therefore are recommended to be employed only as needed. This section provides our assessment of national research on how occupational restrictions related to nursemidwife practice affect (1)the safety and quality of womens health care, (2)access to such care, and (3)the costeffectiveness of such care. NurseMidwife Care Potentially Is Appropriate for More Women Than Are Currently Served in the State. However, health care systems, such as hospitals and health insurers, regularly requirefor a broad range of specialtiestheir providers to be certified in order to practice. Imposing an occupational restriction inherently involves erecting a barrier to entering an occupation, and thereby prevents consumers from obtaining a service from any provider they choose. As discussed above, the research literature amply demonstrates the quality of labor and delivery care provided by nurse midwives in hospital settingsby far the most common setting. Im in a rural area and there are not enough MDs to manage the population. Chambliss, L R, C Daly, A L Medearis, M Ames, M Kayne, and R Paul. Minimum of 104 weeks of supervision. I work in an FQHC and am being requested to supervise a number of midlevels. Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes by Planned Place of Birth among Women with LowRisk Pregnancies in HighIncome Countries: A Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis. Midwifery62 (July): 24055. As such, nurse midwives account for somewhat more than 20percent of advanced health care providers who specialize in womens health care and childbirth. Ratio: On-Site visits required: PA Supervision: Primary Supervising Physician 1:2. Such reasons included the belief that their insurance did not cover midwife services, a midwife was not available, a different provider type was assigned to them, and the belief that midwives could not practice in hospitals. Report Analyzes Californias PhysicianSupervision Requirement for Nurse Midwives. As such, the physical presence of a nurse midwifes supervisor is not required under state law during deliveries or other services provided by nurse midwives. This shows that nurse midwives, as a profession, have the potential to fill gaps in coverage in the areas of the state where relatively few OBGYNs practice. It opens by laying out the evaluation framework by which we assess the states physiciansupervision requirement for nurse midwives. I will be more than happy to forgo a small increase in my salary for supervising midlevel. Nurse Midwives Salaries Are Generally Lower Than OBGYNs. In the following bullets, we provide our assessment of the research on safety and quality in the major nonhospital settings in which nurse midwives practice. Rather, the AAPA suggests this determination should be made at the practice level according to the nature of services provided. Moreover, we find that the requirement likely introduces tradeoffs in terms of decreasing access and raising the cost of care. The Board limits a physician to supervise a total of 360 "full-time equivalent" (FTE) hours per week of mid-level practitioners. We find that the states physiciansupervision requirement is unlikely to be effective in achieving its objective of improving safety and quality. The physician's risk and reward are high. State Law Establishes PhysicianSupervision Requirements for Certain Types of Advanced Practice Nurses. By reducing costs and potentially increasing access to nursemidwife serviceswithout significantly reducing safety or qualityremoving the states physiciansupervision requirement has the potential to improve the costeffectiveness of womens health care services. The state will be the 29th to allow nurse practitioners to practice without a physician. While we recognize that changes to other occupational licensing requirements on nurse midwivessuch as their scope of practicemay bring certain benefits, we focus in this report on the states physiciansupervision requirement since its effects are likely more pronounced and better studied than other occupational licensing requirements. For one, a physician may not wish to perform the added supervisory activities that they believe would fulfill their duties as a supervisor. First, alongside removing the physiciansupervision requirement, the Legislature could add one or more of the following requirements listed below as conditions of licensure to practice as a nurse midwife. The second section of this report contains our analysis. Yes. Figure8 summarizes these survey findings. If I wasnt I wouldnt have joined the practice. Starting in January, nurse practitioners who have completed 4,600 hours or three years of full-time clinical practice in California can apply for the first category. Potentially Positive Impact on Safety and Quality in Hospital Settings, the Most Common Setting for Childbirth. OBGYNs and nurse midwives overwhelmingly practice in hospitals, while licensed midwives primarily practice outside of hospital settings, such as freestanding birth centers. If they're so valuable, and volume is exploding, you should have no problem negotiating 50k per year per mid level. We then assess the likely impact of Californias physiciansupervision requirement onand how removing it may affectthe safety, quality, accessibility, and relative costeffectiveness of nursemidwife services. In California and other states, state law permits certain types of advanced practice nurses to practice, to their full scope, only under the supervision of a physician. First, as previously discussed, national research shows that states without occupational restrictions such as physician oversight have proportionately more nurse midwives and more births attended by nurse midwives. A physician or group employs an NP, or contracts with an NP who is an independent contractor. Therefore, we find that Californias supervision requirement for nurse midwives is unlikely to improve safety and quality for lowrisk pregnancies and births. 2016. how many midlevels can a physician supervise in california PhysicianSupervision Requirement Potentially Is a Factor Contributing to Limited Access and Raising Costs for NurseMidwife Services. In addition, we find that removing the requirement could improve the costeffectiveness of womens health care services by increasing utilization of a less costly but capable provider and potentially lowering the medically unnecessary use of certain costly procedures, such as cesareans. About Half of States Require Physician Oversight. I don't think I can get out of it without ruffling a lot of feathers. First, utilizing physician assistants rather than hiring additional physicians is a cost-effective way for practice owners to expand services, volume, and ultimately revenue. Thus, nurse midwives earn about 60percent of what OBGYNs earn. Martsolf, Grant R, Grant R Martsolf, David I Auerbach, David I Auerbach, Aziza Arifkhanova, and Aziza Arifkhanova. In contrast with licensure, certification is often voluntary for individuals, meaning that individuals who are not certified in a given specialty are still permitted under law to perform in that specialty (as long as they are licensed, if required). 225 ILCS 95/7.5 Consequently, the supervision requirement for nurse midwives does not appear to positively affect safety and quality. Moreover, we find that the requirement could limit access to nursemidwife services, and potentially womens health care services overall, while also raising womens health care costs. At the request of a member of the Legislature, this report analyzes the impact removing Californias current physiciansupervision requirement for nurse midwives would have on health care outcomes and access to care for mothers and their infant. (California Nursing Practice Act Article 8 BPC 2834 2835 2835.5 2835.7 2836 2836.1-3 2837) I am a pediatric nurse practitioner and the physician wants me to start treating adults. Nurse Midwives Employ Fewer Costly Labor and Delivery Interventions Than Physicians. $500 per month per NP/PA in a small hospital group. Geographic Disparities in Access to OBGYNs. We feel very strongly as a practice that a physician is always available for questions and they arent in the building without one of the physicians there. In contrast to California, most other states do not have a physiciansupervision requirement for nurse midwives, and a majority of other states do not even have the requirement for nurse midwives to maintain collaboration agreements with a physician. Mid-Level Practitioners Authorization by State Pursuant to Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1300.01(b28), the term mid-level practitioner means an individual practitioner, other than a physician, dentist, veterinarian, or podiatrist, who is licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted by the The IGRT codes assigned to a given level are listed in parentheses. FM Physicians being replaced by mid-levels, All resources are student and donor supported. As NP training becomes increasingly watered down, expect malpractice cases involving NPs to continue to increase (they already are). Research suggests that between 50percent and 75percent of births are normal and therefore eligible for nursemidwife services. bEvidence grades range in robustness from high for findings supported by a broad range of studies, moderate for findings supported by fewer and/or less methodologically rigorous studies, and to suggestive for findings that would benefit from confirmation from additional and methodologically varied studies. Childbirths that feature relatively minor lacerations, or for which minor surgical cuts are made to prevent lacerations, are considered normal and are, therefore, within the scope of practice of nurse midwives. Title 22, CCR Section 51240 addresses enrollment and supervision requirements for NMPs. Further defining the states physiciansupervision requirement would not address the current competition issuespecifically, granting potential competitors (physicians) the power to control nurse midwives access to the market. https://doi.org/10.2202/15380637.1589. As another example, some states mandate periodic reviews of the nurse midwives clinical chart by their physician supervisors. In California, nurse midwives may only practiceto their full scope of practiceunder the supervision of a physician. NurseMidwife Care Is at Least Comparable to Care by Physicians for Women With LowRisk Pregnancies. But wait, there must be other motives. State law does not further define the requirements of physician supervision for nurse midwives, except as specifically related to the furnishing (prescribing) of medication, the repair of minor lacerations, and the making of small cuts to prevent lacerations (episiotomies). Most state laws, however, don't follow suit. 4. Potentially Further Address Geographic Disparities in Access to Womens Health Services. Midwifeled Care and Obstetricianled Care for Lowrisk Pregnancies: A Cost Comparison.Birth, November. In our assessment, removing the states physiciansupervision requirement for nurse midwives could improve the safety and quality of labor and delivery care in hospital settings, provided the removal leads to greater utilization of nursemidwife services in these settings. Why nurse midwives attend a significantly smaller proportion of the births in California as compared to the proportion of the specialty womens health care workforce they comprise is unclear. cCare guideline is to reduce when medically unnecessary. The requirement appears relatively costeffective compared to alternative approaches to ensuring safety and quality. Historically, NPs in California have been required to work under the supervision of a physician a major hurdle in rural communities that attract and retain few doctors, Curtis said. (3) The supervising physician shall maintain a written authorization at the supervising physician's primary place of practice. Supervising mid-level providers: Good or bad thing? The Role of Selection Bias in Comparing Cesarean Birth Rates between Physician and Midwifery Management.Obstetrics and Gynecology80 (2): 16165. In addition, health systems might interpret the responsibilities and parameters associated with the states physiciansupervision requirement differently. Several studies directly compare the costs of care provided by nurse midwives and OBGYNs. How physician supervision is carried out in practice varies widely both across the country and within California. The potential alternative requirements include the following: The states physiciansupervision requirement for nurse midwives is intended to improve the safety and quality of womens health care. The law essentially created two new categories of nurse practitioners. Townsend says that as a cost-cutting measure, many urgent care facilities and even emergency rooms are choosing to staff with nonphysicians. As demand for healthcare workers continues to surge . In our assessment, these alternative requirements could be more costeffective than the states physiciansupervision requirement. If I am asked a question or need to examine a patient I do. 2015. Family practice physicians are trained to deliver a broad range of primary care services, including, but not limited to, womens health care services. As previously discussed, states with fewer occupational restrictions on nurse midwivesincluding physiciansupervision and collaborationagreement requirementstend to have more nurse midwives, the majority of whom likely practice in hospital settings. Comparison of Labor and Delivery Care Provided by Certified NurseMidwives and Physicians: A Systematic Review, 1990 to 2008.Womens Health Issues22 (1): e7381. of a physician or supervising NP, or while employed by a clinic or hospital with a medical director who is a licensed physician; see ME Statute 32-2102(2-A)(C). Board regulation 263 CMR 5.05 (2) containing the same limitation was deleted by emergency regulation effective May 29, 2013. Their licenses and malpractice insurance covers them. (1) The supervisor possesses and maintains a current valid California license as either a marriage and family therapist, licensed clinical social worker, licensed psychologist, or physician who is certified in psychiatry as specified in Section 4980.40 (f) 4980.03 (g) of the Code and has Consistent with the physician assistant title, PAs must practice with physician supervision. Because of their diverse histories, mid-level providers' training, functions, scope of practice, regulation, and integration into the formal health . A physician could have up to eight (8) mid-level practitioners (4 APRN's and 4 PA's) at one time. We believe these other safeguards could be more costeffective than the states physiciansupervision requirement at ensuring safety and quality. If it's asked, just say no. All U.S., Canadian, and international residents enrolled in an ACGME-accredited postgraduate training program in California are required to obtain a Postgraduate Training License (PTL) within 180 days from their enrollment date. Previously, we discussed how licensure and certification commonly is used to achieve this purpose, including in the case of nurse midwives. We expect costs to be lower due to the following factors: While the Lack of Definition of Responsibilities of Physician Supervision Does Likely Impede the Laws Effectiveness Previously, we discussed why the lack of definition in the states physiciansupervision requirement makes it unlikely that the requirement is effective in significantly improving the safety and quality of maternal and infant health care. This section lays out the main reasons. Perinatal Care and Cost Effectiveness: Changes in Health Expenditures and Birth Outcome Following the Establishment of a NurseMidwife Program.Medical Care17 (5): 491500. : The number of persons to be supervised shall be limited to insure that an acceptable standard of medical care is rendered in consideration of the following factors: (a) Risk to patient; (b) Educational preparation, specialty, and experience of the parties to . . Thus, while there are five regions in the state with relatively limited access to womens health care services when only counting OBGYNs, just three regions of the state have relatively limited access (by this measure) once nurse midwives are counted as providers. Women may receive primary care, family planning, and labor and delivery services in a variety of settings. Stange, Kevin. At least some of these alternative requirements couldin effectbe established statutorily in one of two main ways. California Is Among 23 States to Require Physician Oversight of Nurse Midwives. Policy Perspectives: Competition and the Regulation of Advanced Practice Nurses. https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/reports/policyperspectivescompetitionregulationadvanced practicenurses/140307aprnpolicypaper.pdf. California will soon become the first state to require all DOs and MDs to complete 36 months of graduate medical education before they can get a full medical license. The Listening to Mothers in California survey showed that 17percent of survey participants (mothers who gave birth in California in 2016) would definitely want to utilize a midwifes services. Additionally, nurse midwives may not deliver children by mechanical means, such as with the use of forceps or a vacuum. Third, we find empirical evidence that access to nursemidwife servicesand potentially womens health care services overall, at least in certain regions of the stateis limited. State law generally does not define the requirements of physician supervision for nurse midwives, except as specifically related to the provision of certain services, such as the furnishing (prescribing) of medication. For example, the recent high growth in earnings for nurse midwives suggests that demand for their services may exceed supply. (Hereafter in this report, we refer to these services as womens health care services.) Three specialist provider types are permitted, through state licensure, to provide such services with high, if varying, degrees of autonomy: physicians, nurse midwives, and licensed midwives. In contrast, 9percent of participants reported having previously utilized a midwifes service. Some physician supervisors might regularly interact with their nursemidwife supervisees, while others might collaborate in the initial establishment of their nursemidwife supervisees scope of practice and standardized procedures and have limited subsequent involvement. Survey Data Indicate a Higher Proportion of Women Want Than Receive Midwife Services. The supervising physician and PA/NP/CNM are both enrolled as Medi-Cal providers pursuant to Article 1.3 (commencing with Section 14043) of Chapter 7, Part 3 of https://doi.org/10.1016/j.whi.2016.02.003. However, nurse midwives currently likely only attend, at most, 20percent of the births for which they could be an appropriate provider. This first step will allow them to work without contractual physician supervision, but only in certain . You are using an out of date browser. Colorado Medical Board (CMB) Rule 400 outlines the rules and regulations regarding the licensure of and practice by PAs. Maintain appropriate referral and consultative relationships with physicians and potentially other providers. 0880-02-.18(7-9) and Tenn. Comp. The article also mentions how difficult it is to find information about specific cases. However, only 4 NPs can be actively supervised by the physician. 2014. Illinois PAs with proper training or appropriate experience can receive a federal waiver to dispense buprenorphine-containing products, as long as the supervising physician is certified, trained, or permitted to treat and manage patients with opioid use disorder. Accordingly, for example, highrisk pregnancies include the birthing of twins or significantly pre or postterm deliveries. For hospital births, referral involves a simple handoff from the attendant nurse midwife to an oncall physician. As shown in Figure7, labor and delivery care by nurse midwives is associated with lower utilization of labor augmentation methods, labor induction methods, episiotomies, vacuum/forceps extraction, and cesarean sections. Given the absence of a physicalpresence requirement, in California and other states, advanced practice nurses may practice far away from their physician supervisors. Planned OutofHospital Birth and Birth Outcomes. New England Journal of Medicine373(27): 264253. Perform the following: the supervision of a physician and surgeon, to determine care, treatment, and surgery by . Labor and delivery is attended at nearby hospitalswhere nurse midwives have admitting privilegesor at freestanding birth centers. - - - Maryland No Yes. All allopathic physicians must receive a license from the Board prior to practicing medicine in California. LAO Evaluation Framework for Assessing OccupationalRestrictions in Health Care. They could be imposed as conditions of licensure or as conditions to practice without supervision. In the long run, nurse midwives lower training costs and earnings likely translate into lower health care costs for the system as a whole. The second two pieces of evidence show that (1)nursemidwife services overall appear to be in high demand and (2)access to womens health care services overall could be limited in the more rural and inland areas of the state. Additional Occupational Standards Are in Effect Through Certification. OBGYNs, on the other hand, must attend 12years of postsecondary education and training, including residency. However, state laws vary significantly regarding the degree to which they allow nurse midwives to practice independently. R. & Regs. December 13, 2022. Resulting in Significant Variation in How Supervision Is Carried Out in Practice Since the states requirement is not well defined, physician supervision can vary widely in how it is carried out in practice. There is a big range state by state of chart . In November 2022, California's nurse practitioner association approved rules that would allow for expanded scope of practice for NPs in the state. Several Provider Types Specialize in Womens Health Care. They must be furnished by hospital personnel under the appropriate supervision of a physician or nonphysician practitioner as required in this manual and by 42 CFR 410.27 and 482.12. Im going to disengage from this thread and enjoy my days off! Physician supervision does not require the physical presence of the supervising physician while an advanced practice nurse provides patient care. A "shared" visit is when the level of service is determined by documentation from both the physician and a midlevel provider for a date of service. NURSE PRACTITIONERS. Sctrict supervision laws restrict the growth of medical practices and have negative financial impact for practice owners. While only four states (including California) require physician supervision of nurse midwives, an additional 19states have similar requirements that nurse midwives maintain collaboration agreements with physicians in order to practice. State Scope of Practice Laws, NurseMidwifery Workforce, and Childbirth Procedures and Outcomes.Womens Health Issues26(3):26267. We agree with the Federal Trade Commissions finding that physiciansupervision requirements likely impede access and raise costs by giving physicians control over nurse midwives ability to independently deliver services. We recognize that the lack of prescriptiveness in state law likely has efficiency benefits in that it allows flexibility in how the physiciansupervision requirement is implemented based on the varying competencies of individual nurse midwives. Midlevel practitioners are an increasingly important part of how we deliver primary care in North Carolina. Id love to only have MDs in the practice but theres no way we could serve the community we do without midlevels. To Practice, Nurse Midwives Must Obtain Consent From a Potential Competitor. There are a number of reasons why a physician may choose not to supervise a nurse midwife. Second, states with physiciansupervision or very similar requirements do not have superior maternal and infant health outcomes. Im not signing off on their notes. Resident here. Requirement Unlikely to Significantly Improve Safety and Quality. To a significant degree, this likely is due to there being less published research on care in these other settings. This allows, for example, varied levels of direct supervision for lesser and more experienced nurse midwives. As with other physicians in California, OBGYNs tend to practice disproportionately in certain regions of the state. Robust Growth in Earnings Suggests Demand for NurseMidwife Services May Exceed Supply. Figure7 summarizes our assessment of academic research findings as they pertain to the care provided by nurse midwives and physicians, mostly in hospital settings. The impact on the cost of health care services. 1 CMS requirement based on Section 144 of the Public Law 110-275, titled, "MedicareImprovements for Patients and Providers Act Specifically, the waiver does the following: Waives the 4-to-1 ratio on physician to physician assistant supervision for all physician assistants and physicians in California. The last section of this report provides our concluding assessment and includes our recommendations. Moreover, states with physiciansupervision or collaborationagreement requirements do not have superior maternal and infant health outcomes than states without such requirements. I work for the federal government, and I was asked if I can just fit in a few extra notes to sign from a mid-level. Can't wrap my head around this. Academic researchers have extensively explored how hospitalbased labor and delivery care by nurse midwives for women with lowrisk pregnancies compares to such care by OBGYNs and other physicians. Mid-level practitioners, also called non-physician practitioners or advanced practice providers, are health care providers who have a defined scope of practice. R. & Regs. Effective July 1, 2011 . In California, average annual salaries for nurse midwives are $135,000, whereas OBGYNs earn $225,000 annually. Better Outcomes Associated With Nurse Midwives? c. 112, 9E was amended to eliminate the limitation on the number of physician assistants who could be supervised by a supervising physician. Recommend the Legislature Consider Removing the PhysicianSupervision Requirement, and Add Other Safeguards. When the supervision rules were created in the late 1990s, many advanced diagnostic imaging services (MRI, CT, and PET) were in their relative infancy, and the mandate that only physicians could supervise these tests was accepted as appropriate. How many Physician Assistants can a physician supervise? Examples of such scopeofpractice restrictions include limitations on nurse midwives authority to furnish medication and to practice at a faraway geographic distance from their supervising physician. You must log in or register to reply here. Childbirths are considered normal only for women whose pregnancies are designated as low risk, and are best illustrated by examples of their exceptions. (Minimum of 5% of the PAs medical records). Mapping Integration of Midwives across the United States: Impact on Access, Equity, and Outcomes. Edited by Dongmei Li. Finally, we present our assessment of how removal of the states physiciansupervision requirement for nurse midwives could impact access to relatively safe, highquality, and costeffective womens health care services. An additional 37percent of survey participants said that they would consider utilizing a midwifes services, bringing the total percent of women who would at least consider a midwifes services to 54percent. Collaborationagreement requirements are broadly similar to physiciansupervision requirements. In the first section, we provide background on the various provider types that deliver womens health care services, the major settings where these services are provided, and how occupational standardssuch as licensure requirementsimpact their practices. Periodic reviews of the births for which they allow nurse midwives suggests that between 50percent and 75percent of are!, Aziza Arifkhanova, and Outcomes simple handoff from the attendant nurse midwife requirements! And OBGYNs Costly labor and delivery interventions than Physicians a nurse midwife midwives across the United:! Example, highrisk Pregnancies include the birthing of twins or significantly pre or postterm deliveries these... 60Percent of what OBGYNs earn $ 225,000 annually I wasnt I wouldnt have joined the practice but theres way. 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